Table 1. Example of biomolecules that undergo phase separation during cell volume perturbation. *Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) gene symbol is written in parenthesis. †Concrete stimuli or time used in the reference are written in parenthesis. ‡Key supporting experiments are written in parenthesis. The single "?" sign in a field indicates no available information. Abbreviations: ANKRD52, ankyrin repeat domain 52; ASK3, apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 3; Avo3, a subunit of TORC2; CC, coiled-coil; CCC, cation-chloride cotransporter; CPSF6, cleavage and polyadenylation-specific factor 6; CT, C-terminal; DCP1A, decapping mRNA 1A; FCM, fluorescence confocal microscope; FRAP, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; G3BP1, Ras GTPase-activating protein-binding protein 1; GFP, green fluorescent protein; GP value, generalized polarization value that reflect the overall organization of the plasma membrane; Hex, 1,6-hexanediol; Hsp, heat shock protein; IF, immunofluorescence; K48Ub, lysine 48-linked polyubiquitin; LATS, large tumor suppressor; LCR, low complexity region; LLPS, liquid-liquid phase separation; NLK, nemo-like kinase; OSR1, oxidative stress-responsive kinase 1; PABP, polyadenylate-binding protein; PalmC, a small-molecule tool that lowers cell membrane tension; PB, P-body; PES, PIP2-enriched structure; PIP2, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphatate; PLD, prion like domain; PP6, protein phosphatase 6; PM, plasma membrane; PQC, protein quality control; RAD23B, RAD23 homolog B, nucleotide excision repair protein; Ref., reference; RNAPII, RNA polymerase II; Slm1, a downstream regulator of TORC2 signaling pathway; SPAK, STE20/SPS1-related proline/alanine-rich kinase; SG, stress granule; TAZ, transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif; TDP-43, transactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa; TEAD1, TEA domain transcription factor 1; TEM, transmission electron microscope; UBA domain, ubiquitin-associated domain; WNK, with-no-lysine [K] kinase; Y residue, tyrosine residue; YAP, yes-associated protein